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Well, apparently a bunch of Jump manga (maybe the whole magazine?) are on break this week, and so my update is a lot shorter. I got caught up some other stuff, so might as well add that too.

Fairy Tail: Seems Nashi will be conceived sooner rather than later~

This chapter was better than previous, since this flashback aligns with what was already set up. Interesting that Eileen was the one who proposed the Dragon Slayer plan. 

Still think Erza being half-dragon is random as hell...but I'll wait to see how this plays out.  

Seven Deadly Sins: RIP

Well that was sad..even if Gustaf's death seemed horribly contrived at the time. At least we know now why it happened, for better or worse. I guess Jericho has an excuse to re-enter the story.   

Ao no Exorcist: Interesting...

So, Mephisto was experimenting on clones and artificial humans on the Blue Night? I wonder how he'll smirk and talk his way out of this one...

This manga has improved since last time I binged it. I'm a little down about Shiemi 'rejecting' Rin...but it's not completely over. Rin is still the one who changed her world...and it was clear she really wanted him to wait in her mind.  

One Punch Man: Final Fight!

Will Saitama win this as he always does...or will we have it interuppted? 

Tatsumaki is the best. Hehehe.  

Also started reading Horimiya and Tokyo Ghoul. Very different mangas...but I had a friend recommend both, and I couldn't pick one over the other.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334