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pokoko said:
Rab said:

This may help - 18 mins (Eva Bartlett, Independent Canadian Journalist comments in detail)

That's certainly interesting but I'm not exactly sure why I should just take her word, either.  Most of it was very subjective and had to do with "the people she talked to" on one of her four trips there.

It also felt kind of odd that she seemed to be going out of her way to make Russia look like the white knight of the situation.

I got the impression that she had an agenda of her own.

The "corporate media is lying about everything" seemed to turn into "their sources are bad".  She then talked about how the big media organizations had no direct sources but then she talked about going on a trip there with journalists from those organizations?  Wouldn't they be as credible as her?  She also never gave a real reason as to why every media outlet would lie.

I dunno.  It was interesting, like I said, but it's not like I'm just going to assume that her version is gospel.

Well, this is interesting.

According to Snopes, she is a "contributor at RT, a news site funded by the Russian government."

They also say that her claims about recycled victims aren't true and that evidence does not support her story about a fake hospital bombing.

"Another girl, also named Aya, was identified in a 27 June 2016 story posted by the United Nations Refugee Agency. A third little girl named Aya was featured in a 2013 story posted by UNICEF. All three are distinctly different children, which is clear by their appearances and descriptions. Despite Bartlett's claims, the existence of multiple children named "Aya" does not indicate the "recycling" of victims or prove that accounts of violence against Syrian civilians by their government are falsified. It attests only to the popularity of the given name Aya among Syrian families."