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The core concept is good I mean, the idea behind the Switch. Powerful gaming on the go could be the way of the future.

Oddly enough, I think the main problem doesn't come from their designing of console, it's mainly a problem of marketing and steadiness of releases. They could have try and fix those two problems with Wii U, but the issue was even deeper than that. It all came down from their own business structure, and changing a business structure can take years, even decades.

So the unification of libraries, accounts, efforts into one single console is yes, a risk, but it's also a big big sign of change. And change could be really good in that case. So I think everything revolving around the Switch is a superb idea, they finally fixed their message, they found the right balance with marketing just looking at the few ads they got out, and maybe they could even fix the lineup. Let's wait another month and see about that.