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Munkeh111 said:
Bodhesatva said:

They've already been buying exclusives in some form or another. I mean, they may not be literally paying for them cash in hand, but there's no way that nothing happened under the table for Haze or UTIII.

Or did Ubisoft make Haze a PS3 exclusive out of the kindness of their hearts?

FP have had a good relationship with sony in the past....

Ugh, come on Munkeh. There's millions of dollars on the line, we knew it was originally a multiplatform game, and then suddenly it wasn't.

It just seems like a double standard. Tales of Vesperia a (timed) 360 exclusive? Moneyhat! M$! Even though we don't have any proof -- just the simple logic that it doesn't make sense to make that gamea  360 exclusive (And it doesn't make sense, and I agree it was moneyhatted).

Then, you look at a game like UT III or Haze, which are PS3 timed  PS3 exclusives. Why aren't the same assumptions made? Why is it so obvious that Microsoft is moneyhatting, but the same isn't true for Sony? What about something like Assassin's Creed, which had PS3-specific ads on television -- are you saying Sony did not pay for those? 


Sony has been paying companies through a variety of means, dating all the way back to publishing FF VII on the PS1. The only possible difference might be that they don't literally simply give third parties cash in hand; they pay for publishing, or advertising, or distribution, or all of those things. I mean, if you want to say that paying 1 million dollars for advertising costs is totally different than simply giving companies 1 million dollars to advertise it themselves, then I suppose Sony has never moneyhatted, but that seems pretty disingenuous.">">