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Mobile gaming is taking a chunk out of everyone. So that's why we're seeing Sony and Nintendo invest in mobile games. But it's going to be a rough transition for them due to numerous reasons.

Nintendo I think will outlast many companies because of their design philosophy. They don't spend nearly as much on game development as I don't know, Naughty Dog or Take 2 because they design games that take minimum input but they receive maximum output on sales. In other words, they don't try to do photorealistic graphics, they don't probably use photogrammetry, or any techniques that Playstation 4 or Xbox One use due to developing underpowered hardware.

They're kind of like Apple, well they're really like Apple. Which is why I guess they're getting all buddy buddy lately. Pretty sure the Mario Kart 8 team used apple computers as well. Maybe we'll see a Ninpippin!? But I digress, I think the market is simply shifting, not necessarily crashing.