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bdbdbd said:
Godot said:
Sky Render said:
You view it from the wrong end of the spectrum, xenophon13. Nintendo does not wish to pander solely to the desires of a very rigid market; that's what Sony and Microsoft have done with their online, and it's not doing them any good. Nintendo's goal is to bring people reluctant to go into the online world, online. To do that, there is a need to pander to their insecurities: the lack of voice chat to prevent discouragement from trash-talking, the Friend Codes to make them feel secure in knowing who they're playing with, the pre-coded friendly messages to allow for civil conversation... That is appealing to a broader demographic. Giving options which allow for uncivilized behavior, on the other hand, is not.

I agree with everything you said but it wouldn't be that much different if they used usernames instead of friend codes. Sure, it would be more complicated the first time as it is likely that all the cool usernames would be taken but I don't think people would feel less secure if they are playing with their friends "Sky Render" or "Godot" instead of some random numbers. That said, I don't care much about friend codes as it's a huge inconvenience anyway.


It took some time for me to post the last post... You just mentioned yourself, that what's so great about friendcodes. It's a huge inconvience to figure out a nickname for yourself, which you may not even like, but it happened to be the 25th best choice, since all 24 before the one were taken. You see, when you have a friendcode you don't need to spend any time figuring out what nickname to use, or have a tricky "registration process", the friend codes equals using a phone, which i don't see anyone to complain, that it's not as convenient as sending a letter.

 I actually agree with you, except they should combine all the games into the friend code the Wii has.

If games on the Wii were allowed to work through the Wii friend code instead of needing a new one, then I think it is even better than using gamertags etc.

With the codes you only enter them once so remembering it is not important, but you can also name the person you swapped codes with yourself so you don't have to remember which gamertag is connected to which game (In Mario Kart for instance I am having to remember which Mii corresponds with which VGChartz user)