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3 hours since last update 

#01 PS4s UC4 Bundle (up 1)
#14 XB1s-500gb Battlefield Bundle (down 1)
#16 XB1s-500gb Minecraft Bundle (up 2)
#51 PS4 Pro (same)
#57 XB1s-1tb Battlefield Bundle (same)
#75 XB1s-1tb Gears Bundle (up 4)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)

None at the moment

 2 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 1 in the top 10 / 1 in the top 5
 4 in the top 100 / 2 in the top 50 / 2 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5


The PS5 Exists.