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mutantsushi said:

It's like you didnt' read the post right above yours posted an hour before...
Using Pascal and newer fab architecture is not about beating X1 or pulling off miracles of performance.
But not using it needlessly gimps performance and will not achieve long term cost benefit.
The primary historic purpose of fab node progression is cost reduction after all.
Launching with an obsolete fab node means they will have to pay for serious redesign at later point, 
and they lock themselves out of benefits of designing around benefits of modern fab node in the first place.
The redesign costs are serious because it would not just be a simple shrink but move from 2d to 3d design.
If they go with 14nm or 10nm now, then moving to 7m 3d does not require redesign like 2d to 3d.

I'm going by the specs of the new Pascal Tegra, since it will have more CUDA cores. If it isn't much faster, then it really won't have that much of an impact when talking about at least getting a tiny bit close to Xbox. However, I'm conscious that even the Tegra X1 still isn't an Xbox level hardware. The best stuff we saw it handle was PS360 ports, so it isn't quite impressive.

But you are correct, not goinf with a newer litography will have impacts in its power comsuption and cost, of course. I would probably believe in the rumour that waiting for the Pascal Tegra would delay then until Christmas. Wii U is 100% dead, so they are just giving share to Sony, specifically in Japan where PS4 is growing. It's their perfect market and they need to at cut Sony's hold on it before the grip becomes too strong. They are also just riding on the last breath of 3DS. It is a 5 year old portable, it won't hold for long.

Or, of course, it can simply be a mistake and they will have to deal with it latter.