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Lol...yeah, it turned in to a bench pressing contest between ps3 and 360. Its alright...

I am not saying "Buy 360, its got better multi port games" guys.

Just that PS3 was marketed very heavily for being the most powerful machine...having many more"GFLOPS" than the other guy. You don't have to defend game by game scenario as I'm sure there is a reason why each I listed looks worse...and indeed PS3 is probably more powerful.

However, my point was that in the real world of game design...the extra horsepower that ps3 has (and I don't doubt it has it) is not accessible if you look at things like dev time, its all relative. This can be considered bad architecture and bad design. Not everyone will have the time and money to make killzone 2...

So there is no reason why same PS3 games cost reason why PS3 can have a 10 year life cycle and 360 has to die within reason that a game can't be ported to one system or another technically. All those arguments of "there is no way 360 could run PS3 game X and game Y only looks better because this guy at ID games knows C++ code better than that guy" are not valid.

I'm really curious how bioshock will turn out a well as unreal 3 for 360...both are unreal engine games... Both games had much longer time frame of getting ported than usual so each should run at least as good if not better than their first release.