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People on board


VGC username Steam ID Steam Wishlist GOG ID GOG Wishlist GOG/Steam/Both
JEMC jonxiquet Yes jonxiquet Yes Steam / Both
Captain_Yuri Cumtastic Yes - - Steam
FunFan GreenSparkle Yes KEENFORCE Yes Both
TruckOSaurus TruckOSaurus Yes - - Steam
Conina Conina Yes Conina Yes Steam / Both
vivster vivster Yes - - Steam
Bofferbrauer Bofferbrauer Yes Bofferbrauer Yes GOG / Both
Darwinianevolution DarwinianEvo Yes - - Steam
Teeqoz Teeqoz Yes - - Steam
ktay95 ktay95 Yes - - Steam
Burning Typhoon Burning_Typhoon Only Tekken 7 - - Steam
QUAKECore89 - - AMDFX89 Yes GOG
RavenXtra Raven Yes - - Steam
Rhonin the wizard Rhonin the wizard Yes - - Steam
outlawauron  outlawauron Yes - - Steam
shakarak Shakarak Yes - - Steam
Trunkin Trunkin Yes - - Steam
LuckyTrouble LuckyTrouble Yes - - Steam
forest-spirit  forest_spirit Yes - - Steam

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.