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Rath said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
Rath said:
New Zealand English is just so much cooler no?


Say "twenty-six" for me. Go on, say it!


 Last time I was in America I was repeatedly forced to say 'I play netball on the deck' because apparently to Americans this sounds like 'I play nipple on the dick'. Took a lot of time to actually explain what netball is.

 Good times wandering around the french embassy at night shouting out 'NETBALL' very loudly.

Haha, I remember I used to have a Kiwi teacher in middle school.

I can't remember what it was for, but we were doing something with cards and whenever she'd say "deck six" the whole class would start laughing (and I mean really tears-in-your-eyes-laughter)

For anyone here who's inexperienced with the Kiwi accent, it sounded an awful lot like she was saying dick sex XD