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Namiirei said:
Ordeith said:
I've seen sites claiming the following numbers:

PS4: 1.1 Million
XBO: 1.0 Million
with about ~100k separating them.

One of those sites later posted:

"Editor's Note: Due to the controversial nature of this article and the sourcing, I want to go on record as saying that the information provided here is 100% accurate and not something rumored. These are the facts for the November NPD figures and they have been vetted. -DR

Take it as you will.

I told you, it's 120% fake.  

Look at bandorr post on the 50th page, he say everything.

And ofc, this rumor appear just after we learned ps4 victory, not before, talk about coincidence :)

Oh yes of course and even Aaron Greenberg thought it was completely fake enough, - so much so he even retweeted it on twitter without knowing what his own division is up to.....Career suicide that is!!  I mean waht a silly thing for an executive member of staff to do...Incorrectly Tweet (or retweet) info about the progress of his own company! Wow some people hey!

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

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