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Puppyroach said:
UnderstatedCornHole said:

It's there in black and white with proof that Hillary had backing from Saudi Arabia with official documents and also to support Wikileaks releases.

There's no proof to say Russia had a role in promoting Trump.

False equivalence on a gross scale.

What reactions were there when Hillary asked Saudi Arabia to do espionage in order to find dirt on Trump? Oh wait, that was Trump asking Russia to do it towards Hillary... And tabloids are able to find direct quotes of Trump saying he wants to molest women by grabbing their genitals yet Wikileaks can't find ANYTHING on the guy? Even you must find that at least a little bit suspicious?

So you are just here to spin any dirt you can think of on Trump that isn't related to the thread? What's worrying is that you aren't able to convey factually an event that had video and audio of the whole event.. Trump said he likes to grab women by the pussy because they let you. You have turned that into molesting and implying it is unwanted avances like the liberal MSM ran with.

There's an argument to be made that what's wrong with his statements on that is that he was referring to a married woman, but you seem to have missed that and gone for false liberal hyperbole.

It's irelevant if Wikileaks can find anything on the guy, if he's done so much wrong in the world and had the entire mainstream media and political establishment against him, then more would have come out than "grab 'em by the pussy" and his buisness dealings, oh and those discredited accusers.

Give me some facts.