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This weekend I was going to suck it up and go to Fry's Electronics and get a xbox one wireless pc controller.  I knew I was probably going to spend about 10 dollars more because I remember it was priced at $69.99 when Amazon have them for about $61 new right now.  I was fine coughing up the 10 for the spur of moment purchase.

I walk in and the damn thing is priced at $79.99.  I walk up to a little counter by the pc area and ask for a price check.  I should have just thrown a store like best buy or walmart but I just stated that this got bumped up from what it was a few weeks ago.  Person just said that it must have been on sale which I don't recall seeing it stated as a sale at the time.  I told him I'd get it elsewhere and was gone.  Ordered from Amazon today for 61 dollars new.  Only problem is I have to wait a few days for the free slow shipping. 

I'd rather wait a few days then have to drive in shit traffic and pay overpriced prices at a store.  I already was almost all Amazon but now I think I'll go 100% besides maybe going to mom and pop stores that have retro gaming.  Going to a retro gaming store makes some sense for used market over online especially if you are buying disc based games used (so you can inspect the disc before buying).