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Grampy said:
Sorry folks, I'm going to bed. Baby sitting the two brats has worn me out. It's a shame that serious discussion between mature people is so often ruined by kiddies that don't read the posting and just start mouthing off about things with out the least hint of coutesy, reason or knowledge.

Ok, pissing contest started.

First, your CPU is too slow, and for an extra few bucks you can kick it up quite a bit. Also, if your trying to save money dont go AMD, as they run HOT. And I mean hot. (electricity is quite expensive where I live to say the least. If you never turn your desktop off, the power diffrence from a C2D and a X2 of comparable speeds is over 5$/month if I'm not mistaken)

Second. Both me and my wife read your article, and you really didnt post that very well that says that was from a very basic note-book. So really, yeah.

Also, I suppose you are counting windows VISTA on that becuase most all prebuilt computers come with it. Unless you plan on running linux, then your not planning on running Crysis.

Let's see here, my 1.5 year old computer.

Mine, cost me.









Now, rember, I built this almost 2 years ago, so it's not *that*... well actually, it's quite fast for a single GPU system. Also, the prices have halved on most the parts. You can get that video card for about 200$ less than I paid for it. Dont go cheap on your memory, as it's very imporant for games, you might not think it, but it's more imporant than your CPU in most games today. And that CPU (was) a beast over-clocker. That computer OCs about an extra 30% on benchmarks. And to push that kinda heat, you gotta have the good tower.

Have a good night. And next time try to piss me off a little more and next time single me out, instead of calling me a brat. Crotchity.

EDIT: And in assisting my argument on on-board chips = cause problems.

My wifes comptuer, and 2 of my buddies computers, never performed at the levels they should with their 'cheap' motherboard with on-board, and then put on a bigger video card. I mean, it got decent performance, but it was about a 30-50% hit on performance, the chips should have ran ALOT faster than they were. I upgraded my buddys computer to a faster GPU, and it's CPU was about the same speed as mine. However on bench-marks, and in-game performance, mine was ALOT faster, even though his chip was faster than mine. The only conclusion I have come to was there was a problem on the motherboard, due to the onboard chip. As usually the design of the mother board is designed exclusivly to be used with that video card, and it is not *truely* designed for optimal performance on the video card slot, like a motherboard that does not have video built into it. Really that computer dont look too bad, other than I have never had good feelings about AMD products since intel dropped the C2D. It is such a well designed chip. I have always been a fan of Nvidia, however I would up 25-50$ and get a GTS instead of a GT, as the GTS is 50% faster than the GT. (64 shader pipes on the GT, and 96 on the GTS) My laptop, by-the-way has a 8800GTS GO. Which has 64 shader pipes, just like the GT. And it gets the same performance as well. FYI. So try not to call my laptop too inferior, as it will give your desk-top a run for it's money... at a coffie-shop. :)

And seriously, the laptop I have. (check link in orignal post) is compared with 2000$+ laptops, for under 1400$. It's really a monster of a laptop, for it's price. If you want a lap-top, and want to play games on it, and dont want to spend a fortuine, it's the laptop to get.

(complaints - heavy, big, battery sticks out the back)

Comes with a 'windows vista OEM' install disc. Just pop that baby in, re-install windows, and it's like a home-built system, with NONE of the 'gate-way' BS. Just windows Vista, like Microsoft meant for it to be... ... (crappy) 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!