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Ok, so now that we have Nintendo aside, I feel we both understand that part of it, the next issue is the function itself and how it pertains to video games.

Understood team work in FPS's can be made much more convenient with Voice Chat, that is very true. I'm sure you've heard the term "...sure; it sounds good on paper but..." To attack your main stance, no one shoe fit's all, let's use Mario Kart as an example, a parent/gaudian buys her/his son/daughter that game with a T rating, let's say this game had voice chat and people are cursing left and right as they get hit by blue shells and red shells and so on, the rating of that game is no longer T it's M, the major issue there is the parent/guardian bought something that legally was for her/his child but he/she was exposed to foul or suggestive language.
You "Now hold on but you can just mute that person."
I know but look, the kid is on the game playing in a 12 kart race when suddenly 1 person keeps on cursing, the point is that the language was exposed and the ESRB a legally stated rating on a software that applies itself at retail is now moot, when this happens someone is liable, take a guess who.
You "But just mute the game."
Why? the game has voice chat and everyone should be able to enjoy their experience I mean that parent/gaurdian payed $50 for the same game everyone else payed $50 for, why isn't her child entitled to safe online play which is also part of what she/he payed for?

That is the reason why voice chat in the method it's used on the PC/PS3/Xbox360 are flawed, the legality behind it should have games with ratings lower than M with it in serious jeapordy or being sued by that lamoid parent who does have a strong point. This would also challenge and put under the spot light the ESRB's credability and probably lead to strict regulations enforced by the government on Voice Chat.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D