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BrainBoxLtd said:
dib8rman said:

Hi guy, you must like MG4, and I'm guessing your a PS3 owner or about to be or want to be, also I'm guessing that you love yourself some HD.

Oh by the way check out the front page and see that % next to the total Wiis sold, Wii used to have less and less of the %.

Currently the trend is showing Wii sales to be roughly 2:1 the HD userbase being the lesser, it's a good run but yea the trend is also growing slowly in other words 2:1 is slowly turning into 3:1, that's kind of impressive to me considering the company the Wii is in.

Oh and your math is askew by the way, Subtract 6 million from the Xbox's install base then you have yourself a fair number as the 360 was out 1 year ahead of time.

So thats what? 13 million + 13 million is around 26 million (these are rounded up by the way)

versus Wii's 27 million... hmm ahh that seems like.. wow guess Wii user base would be larger than Xbox360 if you take out it's 1 year advantage over the PS3 & Wii.

But either way with that kind of math it's scary the difference when it actually hits 50% market share considering Xbox360 had a year head start.

More importantly gaming as a whole does not revolve around the current batch of home consoles. This newfound argument of the PS360 > Wii isn't applicable to the gaming world at large. Outside the 7th generation consoles you have the DS and PSP, the former of which dominates Japan's software charts on a routine basis. The 6th generation consoles, which includes the PS2 whose LTD sales roughly double all the 7th generation system's sales to date. Cellphone games. Retro gamers with entire collections of older titles they play. Cellphone games. The worldwide PC gaming market which ranges everywhere from PopCap games, to World of Warcraft, my late grandmother playing online bridge, obsessive lunatics who spend more time modding games then playing them, me screwing around on flash games RubangB recommends, to hundreds and hundreds of other niches out there.

Not to mention the gaming industry's continuing focus on re-releasing old titles. From remakes, to collections, digital re-releases on consoles and computers. Something that clashes with this assumption the majority are more interested in high-end graphics. Then there's what wrong with these sweeping generalizations that paint the HD console and Wii owners as single minded collectives. Suggesting everyone who owns the HD consoles because of their graphical capabilities, or there are no Wii owners interested in traditional gameplay.

Can't help but think we'll see more of this PS3/360 > Wii jargon as some people enter the bargaining stage. =

 You bring up a good point, you can go even further by comparing PC's to Gaming PC's.  Numerically more people play Puzzle, Classic, and Web Games than technilogically demanding games, though they might not "win" in terms of revenue and hours.


I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.