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dib8rman said:
I wasn't agreeing with your point, actually the above your reffered is anecdotal, and neglect that friend codes are still easily disclosed over the internet, the point here is Nintendo hasn't released such technology to the public mainly because they can't figure a way to do it their way. This has been noted many times by Iwata himself, in combination with Reggie saying that Voice chat is on it's way, add this with what Iwata sais and it's clear Nintendo has come up with a method to have secure voice chat.

I for one am suprised you still argued this, and I'm certain your not viewing the whole picture but rather painting your own and not looking outside the four walls of your canvas. For certain things like proper 3rd party support on the Wii I'm not patient about, but for something as suplimental as Voice chat I can wait for perfection or inovation.

Sad to say but to refer to Sean Malstrom: Nintendo won't copy a failing model - the PS360 have copied the PC model and it proved not to work for them, as it doesn't actually have a direct effect on people who buy the system, those same people would of bought it for the HD graphics and their favorable software lineup anyway. If their going to add voice chat they're going to do it in such a way that it isn't just something else and that it is subject to adding profit for Nintendo.

(how you understand that is up to you.)

Also to expect them to do it the way you or anyone of the above request it is not what they do, they listen to the market by doing small tests then respond to a percentage of cash returns. Simply adding voice chat won't be enough to meet their standards.

Also you keep attacking Renders statement in which he was being very specific and attacking one of the many issues with voice chat by responding with, it adds to the gaming experience, can you please counter with an example a benefit of voice chat, because your general answer of 'it adds to the gaming experience' doesn't add up as a counter argument regardless of how passionate you are about it.

The advantages of voice chat are readily apparent. It seems like you and Sky haven't ever used it, but even so it would seem like you'd understand the importance for certain games. It's like comparing text messages to talking on a cell phone. Which is easier to communicate with if you need your hands for playing a game? Teamwork requires communication. Playing with friends is far better when you can communicate. It's more fun. It's more entertaining. The only disadvantage Sky Render mentions is that some people are annoying, but I'm not going to mention for the 100th time the easy solution to that. It doesn't ruin the entire feature, just like some people being annoying on a forum doesn't ruin the entire thing. Why have online message boards if people are just going to act immature and ruin communication?! Uh... Now, this point about it not being is going to hurt them at some point. It limits Nintendo with many genres. Playing Brawl and Kart online feels empty, but certain genres just aren't going to succeed without up-to-date features that Nintendo is behind on. The excuse that they are leading in sales doesn't sit well with me. You don't stay on top if you fall behind.