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badgenome said:

Okay, but we have information regardless of how we got it. Does it matter whether or not it's valid information, or is it just enough to say that those damnable Russians wanted us to have it so we should just pretend it doesn't exist?

Also, was Russia the only party trying to influence the election? Clearly not, since a lot of media outlets did their damnedest to swing it. So is this only bad because these are foreigners? Well, what about Mexican and Saudi billionaires who own American media, which was in lockstep behind Clinton? Or is it only bad in this case because they're Russian? Or is it that the Russians are only bad because they supported the wrong candidate?

I don't think the issue here is knowing that foreign states tried to influence the election. You have to think of the motives. What motivated most of the world to support Clinton? They wanted to keep the status quo. The Middle East and the European countries were probably a bit wary of what would change if Trump won. Because he's made a lot of statements that if he followed through with would damage their economies. Why would Russia push so hard for Trump? I don't believe the conspiracy theories that he owes Russian banks or whatever other bullshit, but it still raises concerns that he's sympathetic to Russia and Putin and he has criticized NATO.


Edit: At the end of the day I don't think it makes that much of a difference to foreign policies regardless of who was president. Nothing will happen to NATO and I don't expect Russian sanctions to be lifted. And Trump isn't going to end the alliance with Saudi Arabia for example. They're a very important ally regardless of how shady they are behind the scenes.