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Swordmasterman said:
Gourmet said:

They already have.

Dropping handhelds was absolutely bonkers. They're giving up Japan to Nintendo completely, even PS4 there will sink because home consoles are just secondary there and the Switch dock is enough to cover the whole home market.

And Japan (market + japanese games) was the biggest edge of PlayStation against Xbox. If Nintendo does not screw up, Sony will probably end up in third next gen, and Pro might lose to Scorpio.

That is just overreaction. If the Switch takes the place of the 3DS. The 3DS market will purchase it on Japan, but the PS4/5 will still have the same market to sell.

The home+mobile thing if just something to make Nintendo get support. The 3 party support, if the Switch has it, is what will sell the console.

It will take the place of the 3DS AND Vita. How many japanese PS4 games do not get Vita ports? Very few. And why would they port Switch games to PS4 if Switch can play just the same on a TV? None of those Vita+PS4 games push the PS4 hardware at all.

Unless the Switch fails and the Vita+PS4 games become PS4 only, Switch is bound to take the PS4 marketshare.