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pray4mojo said:
Rafie said:
I don't believe Sony will be as arrogant as they were when the PS3 launched. They suffered for years and bled billions. I don't really see why it is you think Sony would be arrogant. Their decision to omit a UHD blu ray drive was just that...a decision. They felt that 4k streaming is the future. Whether we agree with them or not. I don't really see that as arrogance.

No BC so they can leaverage PS Now.

No CD player (after lying and saying they would, look it up)

Pay wall for MP

Lack of AAA PS Plus games

Upping cost of PS Plus $10

Not using all that revenue to make their servers as secure as XBL

Not allowing you to change your own background to leaverage paid background themes

Microsoft did just as much bullshit on their end at the start of the generation. So no, they're no exempt from the bullshit either.


Well, when you put it that way haha.