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tak13 said:

That's why I can't tell that anyone who considers a possible 300k gap not big, that is wrong! If that was without the PS4 pro launch, then 300k is surely a big discrepancy!

To be honest, for me an impressive gap would be 500k+ under these circumstances...

1m-1.3m vs 1.5m-1.8m!

Ok.... you realize the PS4pro is not only just a more powerful "PS4" that plays all the very same games that any PS4 out there can play but that it's also more expensive right?

You also realize that Sony, devs, publishers don't care which PS4 sku sells more or less and to them PS4 (period) has adding 300k to its lead?

lastly, do you know this is just 2016, and that if 300k lead is true then for 2016 PS4s lead is up to 500k+? and if it also works December that could easily be 800k+ lead in 2016?

oh.... and the PS4 also lead in 2015 and 2014. What the you think the cumulative PS4 lead is in NA now? And we aren't even talking about WW. Keep in mind, NA is the XB1 strongest territory.