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FromDK said:

But I still think calling psvr "the most versatile and attractive VR headset" is to much.. imo

Well, it all depends on how one defines "versatile" and "attractive".

When I say versatile, I mean that PSVR (now) works with both PCs and the video game console that is the most popular by far right now, namely the PS4. Vive and Oculus, the other two relevant VR headsets for PC right now, only work on PCs.

And being that versatile makes the PSVR extremely attractive already; especially for all those 50 million PS4 owners out there who now have even more incentive to buy a PSVR. Plus, it has the huge advantage of being much cheaper than Vive and Oculus, which furthermore instantly usually require several hundred more bucks for upgrading your PC. With PSVR on the other hand, you don't have to worry at all about your system not being powerful enough, that's a huge advantage.

PSVR has it's disadvantages as well of course, for example the low display resolution. But ultimately, there is a clear proof that customers consider PSVR the most attractive VR headset right now: The sales numbers. I think there are no confirmed sales numbers for the three VR headsets, but all analysts assume that PSVR is selling much better than Vive and Oculus.

FromDK said:

but its not the best way to experinces VR at the moment

If by "best way" you mean that other VR solutions are technically able to provide a technically more advanced VR experience, you are definitely right. But when it comes to attractiveness, there are many other things to take into account.

FromDK said:

A hack that may or may not work in next week.. and require 2 extra ps3 eyes to track somehow as good.. and some ninja trick to get it over 60 fps (when talking used on steam) is a nice thing.

You do realize that right now, this is hardly more than a proof-of-concept? A very early version, probably with hardly any features/options, and that the PC drivers will soon be open-source (in case they aren't already), improve very quickly and will probably soon allow for all kinds of (tracking etc.) options etc.?