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Bandorr said:
pray4mojo said:

Winning November doesn't really matter if things go back to Xbox One winning after January. I personally think Xbox One will win more months in 2017 than it will lose. You don't win four months straight and have it be a fad.

One of those months were amazing sales burning off the original Xbox one consoles.  One of those months were all the pre-orders from the xbox one S.

The other two of those months had Forza, Gears, and Recore. A lot of bundles. AND the ps4 "leeching" sales.

Keeping that in mind - their "lead" was 266K across 4 months. Rumors have it that Sony won by at least 300k this ONE month.

Also you have the switch coming out next year.

Yet you think the xbox one S will win at least SEVEN months up against the ps4 and the switch? Why?

Why did you use excuses for Xbox One but forget that PS4 Pro launched in November? Don't you think a major console LAUNCH is going to have a tiny impact on the numbers and skew them a little?