I doubted the capability of Halo Wars pushing a good amount of consoles so I dag up a bit of information to apply context to that "330k" figure. First of all X360 sales for March '09 was down 60k MoM. When compared to March '08 it was up MoM by 5k. So why was Feb '09 at 390k? Exclusive GTA4 DLC, and it's very likey what attributed to March '09 being up YoY. If you want to go by VGC numbers then the weeks up to and on launch of Halo Wars, X360 sales stayed about the same. I even think X360 sales were down a little week on week. Halo Wars was also released at the pinnicle of the Halo franchise, while Halo is still vasty popular it's not what it once was. Then you're underestimating the hype for Horizon which will release the same month and how much Sony will push it, I've already seen adverts for it along side the Pro on Youtube. Halos Wars will probably shift a few consoles because it's "Halo". But don't expect it to push many console. |
Thei will market it a lot. Isn't that the first game from the developers of Killzone since PS4's launch ?