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While I too believe this will be the outcome more or less, I do believe some occurence could push the 360 back ahead of the PS3 if someone in Microsoft can push the right buttons and make the right decisions and/or Sony screws up again. Both consoles are basically interchangeable for the most part, with PS3 having a Blu Ray player as it's main highlight and I believe most consumers know this. In hindsight, you can basically chalk up the PS3's failure to the 1 1/2 hour Sony conference at E3, where it became painfully obvious something went wrong. You can chalk up the newfound revival of the PS3 to the price drop and the death of HD-DVD. As long as Sony plays their cards right, and don't make any more boneheaded decisions, they should do just fine against Microsoft. 

If they're suggesting in that article that the strong 2nd place finish Sony will have means they will be somewhere even in the remote vicinity of the Wii's numbers then they're talking out of their asses. The Wii is going to crush both HD consoles as bad as the PS2 crushed the Gamecube and Xbox last generation. Maybe worse. Just wait and see as production keeps slowly ramping up for the Wii how much they fly by the competition.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.