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My Hero Academia: 8!

I always have trouble reading fight scenes in these type of manga. I'd prefer to see this adapted...but oh well.

Looks like Deku is achieving a new level. I notice he's narrating right now...I guess this is going to be a big milestone in his journey. Maybe this will push Bakugou off the deep end. *sweats*  

Shokugeki no Souma: Food torture gag more than a gag?

That was interesting. Not the Saiba worship...that was expected. Seeing Saiba's reactions to the faces around him, and choosing to create a 'bad' dish instead was pretty interesting. The gag where Souma and his dad experiment with weird flavors was probably caused by Saiba feeling so constrained. Their flexibility and willingness to try new things has been a recurring theme for a while, so this seems to be what spurred it on.

Still, curious how this affects Azami, and why he turned so...evil. Maybe he misunderstood why Saiba started down this path?  

One Piece: ???

I feel like I missed something. Where did the frog come from?

This chapter felt all over the place. Maybe it's the weekly reading catching up to me, but it doesn't seem like it's flowing naturally lately. Not sure how to explain it...maybe it'll feel more like classic One Piece once Big Mom and Luffy clash...

Speaking of Big Mom, how in the heck is Brook gonna get out of this? @_@  

Fairy Tail: ...

For some reason I thought Eileen being Erza's mom was already confirmed. Maybe it was just so obvious I didn't think it was worth an actual reveal.

Also, this mean Erza is half dragon? Weird.  

Seven Deadly Sins is apparently on break till mid-January while Suzuki is having surgery done. Apparently he wrote up a bunch of omakes before leaving though, so it'll get short updates while he's out. This week's omake was pretty funny....Shota Griamor apparently cuddling with Veronica, only to return to Bara Griamor after being...kissed. I guess he's back now? Pff...  

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334