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ZenfoldorVGI said:
bbsin said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

First, besides your personal attacks on me, I'll respond to your post. I'm not bitter. Only insulted by your hypocracy. I never said the gamesradar guy wasn't good at the game, I said he didn't like the series or the difficulty in NG1, 2, or Sigma. He says as much in his review. I think it's fairly obvious the Eurogamer guy didn't have fun with the game, and would have given it a lower score if possible. The same cannot be said for the MGS review.

WOW! personal attacks? haha, i don't recall ANY personal attacks towards you nor did i intend to. You are either insecure about other's posts or you're trying to get off the hook on the other questions I've asked in the post. Either way, that's quite a low blow from you Zen, to think I've been as respectable as possible to you the entire time just to be accused of "personal attacks", this speaks volumes of your integrity. I surely hope it's a joke.

Anyways, back on topic. You said that you didn't think the gamesradar guy to be credible since they complained about how difficult NG2 was. That would only mean that he's not good enough at the game to appreciate it's challenges and rewards. The last sentence in that paragraph doesn't make any sense. I'm not sure which Eurogamer guy you're implying, the one that reviewed NG2 or MGS4?

Apparently I have found your problem. You don't read anything but the closing arguments.

If only MGS4 did end there. An unbelievably lengthy and self-indulgent epilogue - you can't call it a cut-scene, it's an entire film in its own right, and a deeply boring one too - is how Solid Snake's career comes to a close. Too bad, but no hard feelings; you can ignore it if you wish.- Common MGS criticism that is used more often as a positive aspect of MGS

Even keen students of Metal Gear lore are going to struggle to follow this tangled tale. Laden with sentimental sermons and metaphors for the evils of war, struggling under the weight of the resolving the plots of four previous games and the personal destinies of characters as diverse as Raiden, Meryl, Naomi, Vamp and Eva, it is in all honesty a mess.....Maybe that's deliberate, but it doesn't work, and the hours of talking-head exposition involved are too steep a price to pay for this muddled closure. - Common MGS criticmsm that is used more often as a positive aspect of MGS

Fixed. I hope you understand where I'm going with that editing fix since it's been my argument the entire time.

The game got an 8/10, you thought there weren't any criticisms? I think your MGS fanboyism is showing. You want the game to be perfect, and perpahs it will be. You just put too much faith in reviews, apparently.

When did say that I thought there weren't any criticisms? I'm starting to see how you argue and converse with people, you put words in their mouths and assume that what you think is exactly what they think then try to pass it off as fact. However, If you really want to know what I think about games in general, then I'll tell you. I don't think any game is perfect or can be perfect, wishing for "x" game to have no flaws will only result in a awful game experience. As a hardcore gamer that happens to have the luxury of playing as many as games as possible, I don't have or have a need of putting alot of faith in reviews at all. I play, then i buy.

I listed those less because I think they are real criticisms and more because I knew that it would anger you, the MGS fan you are, and because it shows the exact same callous approach to game apprasial you made with NG2, without giving it the "marginilization" effect you tried to slip in about this MGS4 review.

Was it supposed to "anger" me until the point where I take "personal shots" at you? But before I go into this any further, lets get something out of the picture. I am a MGS fan, and I do anticipate the game/series over the majority of other titles out there, the fact that you're attempting to make me look like I'm acting out as a soulless robot that puts every game on a flat playing ground is pointless. And that's where your baseless accusations end. I don't force myself to fully appreciate a game and ignore it's obvious flaws. If there was a glaring issue with MGS4 or whatever game that I'm a "fanboy" of (or so you say), then I'd wouldn't be the last to point it out without sympathy as I see it. If I had an opportunity to create a MGS4 thread (which i really wanted to), you'd see Eurogamer's score along with it's pros and cons but I sure as heck won't bother putting up and arguments and negate each other.

How can you be so sure other reviews won't agree? Very few are out, that don't start with "sony magazine" in front of them.

How can you be so sure other reviews will agree?

I'm not defending him. I'm attacking you for flaming him, and the great lenghts at which you went to do so. When I did the exact same thing you're trying to do in this post, because I like the NG series and possibly believe that a site is under-rating it due to bias against a game, you gave me a big long, self righteous speil about how your ethics wouldn't allow you to marginalize any review....

Do i honestly need to explain this to you again? really?? And you're twisting words again, the reason on why I did not add that "con" was beca.... just forget about. Read my previous posts if you want the answer. Other than that, i don't recall giving you a "big long, self righteous speil" about my ethics, I quickly gave you an answer on why I would add that "con" and agreed with you the rest of the way. But i guess you won't remember since you can't seem to get pass the bitter taste in your mouth that sprung from my "I will not" comment days ago. look what we've got. When you think you can slip little comments in under the radar in order to do the exact same thing I tried to do with it suits you, ethics aside. I said in my post that I was a Ninja Gaiden fanboy.

*sigh* this is getting tiresome. What did I try to slip under the radar? I've fully admitted that the Eurogamer reviewer was suspicious, as did i with the gamesradar NG2 reviewer. I simply just vowed that there would be no manipulation on my NG2 thread OP since it was the reader's choice on what they wanted to discredit or not and not my goal to being with. I fail to see what's so hard to understand, and being that you're an admitted NG fanboy, I'm glad that i didn't add your suggestion since it's always fanboy's intention to hype the product up as much as possible.

For you to pretend that you aren't a MGS fan, while you attempt to marginalize this review, is laughable.

Who ever said I wasn't a MGS fan? shall i explain to you for the 8th time why I think the Eurogamer review is suspicious??

If you'll recall, I suspected you of being a Sony fanboy in the other post. This doesn't confirm fanboyism, but it does confirm hipocracy. Bowing out gracefully is one of your options, or you can keep arguing with me, despite the fact that your original post still exists and as you've said, the different in the reviews are only opinion, and aren't provable. That's why your argument of "Oh wait, these reviews are different" doesn't hold water. you have selective memory syndrome? Why don't you show me where I've said that the Eurogamer review should be written off and ignored? I've said time in and time out again that I had no issues with the 8/10, but only the attitude and tone he sets when he goes about reviewing MGS4 from the start to the end.

The fact that you find it necessary to flame NG2 now, only proves further that your previous posts were voyeuristic in nature, and now when the tables are turned, you decide to act decidedly different. Letting stuff like this slide is something I can't do.

Haha, You're so full of crap that it's laughable! When did I flame NG2? and how is the "tables turned". I'm guessing, you think when I say NG has camera issues, dated level design, and possible framerate hitches it's considered the "flaming". Being that you are a fanboy, i suspect that you won't let it go through your noggin that NG2 does has flaws and consistent ones at that. I don't really know what's worse, the fact that a person that feels like a flawed game should be protected to no ends is telling me that I'm a hypocrite, or the fact that that same person is trying to put words into my mouth.

Maybe you'll think twice next time before self-moderating the topic for reviews of a game you have no feelings towards, and understand how being an unbiased observer can come back to bite you in the butt when a game you are really excited about comes out.

I have no feelings toward NG2? did you realize that when i agreed that Eurogamer and Gamesradar's reviews was suspicious? or was it the time that I said that I've played and beaten all the 3d Ninja Gaiden games and is totally stoked for NG2?

Why are you attacking this reviewer?

I'm not attacking the reviewer, I'm simply questioning this attitude towards the franchise.

You are a MGS fan,


and want the game to get good reviews.

And want fair reviews that makes sense and disclude contradictories.

Not because you have some moral issue with this review.

If you payed attention, you'd see that i do have a moral issue with the review

You certainly can't expect anyone to believe that

Being that you're still bitter about getting rejected for plotting to discredit a review source and ignoring just about everything I've said up till now. I sure as heck can't expect YOU to believe it.

....unless you admit that some reviews are faulty and should be marginalized. However, when directly asked about that in the other post, I recieved a "Nah" answer from you.

I always did, hence I only include independent multi platform sources. But hey, if you still can't figure out the purpose of me not adding your "con" on that NG2 thread after I've explained it to you multiple times at this point, I don't see why I should bother to do it again.

Well, now it's my turn to tell you nah.

heheh, someone had a chip on his shoulder for quite a while.

This review is as valid as gamesradar.

I don't disagree.... they are both reviews are they not? it's just that one has a more cranky reviewer and the other includes issues that are not contradicted.

FYI, I don't give much creedence to reviews myself, but you obviously do. I'm a huge fan of MGS4. I hope you don't let below perfect reviews ruin the game for you.

This doesn't bode well for the infamous poorly reviewed FPS game that I'm currently playing right now and will finish before I pop in NG2 huh?

Ninja Gaiden fans certainly won't, despite our:

- Terrible camera

- Slowdown

- Bad Level designs you so eloquently and consistantly point out.

They might not be an issue for self admitted fanboys, but truthful NG vets like me will be hindered with the point that a terrible camera can cause the player to lose vision and die unfairly.

It's very simple. You marginalized a review for a game when in your topic about NG2, you said that marginalizing reviews were bad. You said the reader should make up his or her own mind. When you did that. When you marginalized this review with research, you took the objectivism out of the readers own mind and put your own personal spin on it. That my friend is hypocracy. You can't really deny it, and that's why I can't back down from my assertions.

I never took the objectivism out of anyone, in the end, I gave my opinion and they believed what they wanted to believe, no? Other than that, you need to go back and read my previous posts more thoroughly before you falsely accuse me of anything else.