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tak13 said:


They would lose 1b, so what? They lost almost 4b with xbox 360... I metion that such a price cut would be irrational though, don't you see it? 

If they can afford to lose so many money, why not if it's about to sell more units and have a commercial success, more brand awareness? I wish my favorite company would be able of doing this, wii u would have sold significantly more units.

I think that they are off-setting sowewhat  the loss on hardware by  earning some money from software sales and online subscriptions!


As I said, perhaps they care only for its commercial success and not the financial success... MS is a company  which  is making  loads of money from other divisions and are enough, are they in need to make more by sell the xbox hardware on profit?

Why not having a 50m selling product to brag about ?

P.S So Sony should have left PS3 at 600$. Also, why sony invested  so much in PS4 ( rightly ) after PS3 fiancial disaster and not to a more profitable venture?

Brag about? Smh.....

And Sony investing so much in PS4.... sony did that because Sony takes the OS brand way more seriously than MS takes the XB brand. Or Sony has smarter people ushering where the OS brand goes to as opposed to MS. I don't know, but with Sony you had them drop prices and start buying studio after studio all during the PS3 gen. They didn't just build a library of games, they built an army of devs and studios. And they did all that in the worst generation of in PS history. While MS has been dropping studios and not pushing any new IPs. 

I think that should tell you all you need to know about both of those companies. 

Price slashing is a reactionary move, if you find yourself in a console war and the only weapon you have in your arsenal is to go cheaper then you have already lost.