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Sky Render said:
Incidentally, I have an important life lesson for you, windbane: behaving like a schoolyard bully does not work so great in real life. At best, you'll be scorned and ignored for being immature. At worst, you'll be put in prison for taking it too far and causing physical or severe psychological harm to others. Outside of the schoolyard, when it's mature adults who are the ones moderating things, acting out in a childish fashion only serves to ostracize you from the rest of the group; it sure as hell doesn't get you anything worthwhile.

You may feel that this doesn't apply to video games, because they're not real life. Video games are an escapist medium, it's true, but they are not an excuse to act like you're 12 years old again and make a total jerk of yourself just because nobody knows who you really are. Fun at others' expense is destructive entertainment, and ultimately accomplishes nothing of value for anybody save the one who's making others miserable to make himself happy.

I feel sorry for you that you the only reason for voice chat is to bully people. You are sadly mistaken. Btw, your baseless, condescending attitude does nothing to help your point.