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twintail said:
nuckles87 said:

This is big news. If this is true, this means the Switch is capable of running technically demanding AAA Xbox One/PS4 games, not just sidescrolling indie titles. 

Well, sure the Switch will be well powered but this doesnt indicate anything. The X1 version of DS3 cant even maintain 30fs (unless a patch has changed this) and who knows what it means that its running at a level of performance they are happy with.

Definitely this would be a good catch for the Switch but its just a port of several old games. But games are games I suppose.

I read the Digital Foundry article before I wrote that. They called it beautiful. And the X1 version's frame rate holds up the majority of the time:

"Visually it's a clear-cut case in favour of PS4, and we'd have hoped Xbox One's graphical sacrifices might translate to a matching level of performance. As we've already seen in isolation, Xbox One is capped at 30fps with v-sync, but has dips to the mid-20s around volumetric fog effects of its opening scene, and also bosses making use of From Software's shader effects. The results aren't always smooth, but for the majority of play (at least from what we've tested to date) the game holds at 30fps."

And come on. What do you think they're gonna he happy with? 480p resolution and slideshow frame rates? This is From Software, not Digital Homicide. If they are happy with it, it'll be playable.

It's also not an old game. It game out 8 months ago.

Providing this is credible like Dale's other rumors, this says a lot about what the Switch is capable of. It means that, unlike Wii and Wii U, it is capable of running games made for its competitors, albeit I'm sure with sacrafices (like lower resolution and tuned down effects). Which is EXTREMELY important for third party releases, and is probably the best indication of the system's power that we've gotten via Dale's rumors so far.