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I played the demo this morning, I was too busy watching all the limbs and heads flying in all direction to notice if there was frame rate problem. If there was it definitely not noticeable like it was in GTA IV.

Enemy AI is top notch compare to DMC4. I didn't find the camera to be troublesome like reviews state. If you play Ninja Gaiden before, then you will know how to control the viewpoint. The right trigger is part of the play mechanics, it's sort of like targeting button and let you control Rye viewpoint.

Compare to NG1 I find the camera to be much better and more responsive. The control also very fluid and gone are the crappy imprecise jumping mechanic from the first game.

I also just finish playing Conan game and even just the sliver of demo of Ninja Gaiden 2 it was definitely miles above it. So essentially, I just don't see how game like Conan could get the same score from Eurogamer ...

Oh, and unlike all the Sony-trolls here I actually have seen and played the demo of this game....