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And yet i see the same ill-informed behavior here..

What the fuck is up with the double-morality?

We all know perfectly why US voters picked Trump over Hillary, if that after 20 years still surprises anyone here, they better shut the fuck up cause they have the same problem they accuses.

Corporate-Media always picks easy targets, people who they believe is easy to trigger or twist to their advantage.
So why are you trusting CNN? Do you really believe they air Trump supporter who know how to talk for himself?
No they won't... Basically News is a Business who creates their own narrative and perspective of a truth to fit their own agenda.

CNN have lied more then Fox-News have this year, the only reason why you can't see that is because you all are no different then the Trump-supporter you generalized over 20 million people for, you are pointing finger at the same mistake you all did yourself... You only trust the news that support your own idealist-bubble.
CNN doesn't fact-check everything either, no news does.... Who twisted all of your minds into the blind deceit that Hillary had a 100% chance to win this entire year when Hillary barely had any rallies cus barely 200 people showed up on the ones she had, when Trump had giant stadiums with 20-30 000 people? C.mon? The Hillary crowd was the worst and is still the worst out of two..

I am tired of the false Racism-accusations and all the hate from false Liberals and democrats, cause they are no better with their fact-checking, they just end up screaming and calling you stupid when they can't explain their own false narrative.
And i do actually hate the real racist's on both sides. Yes, there are tons of racist's on both sides...

Why is there thousands of people walking around with communist flags in these riot's to force their will on America i don't know... I am on 3-5 protest's every year and i am a progressive, i would never join that group of insane people who use violence and foreign flags to shit on my own country, it's just dumb.


PSN: Opticstrike90
Steam: opticstrike90