It still exists, though like Shikamaru said, they live on in the AA realm, while within the AAA side they are tapering. This reminds me of how in the AA space, TBS are on the rise and RTS (Actual C&C/AoE style, not mere real time movement) is on the decline. The AAA space only has the likes of SCII which has now concluded it's own story and has come to an end, leaving only MS with Halo 2 as the only player on the board for a single RTS game.
Meanwhile in Japan and the rest of the Western world, TBRPG's still exist within the AA space and some in the AAA.
If there's one thing I've come to want in the industry, it's that I want genres to continue existing. I'm not remotely much a fan of turn based gaming, but I don't want it to rise and dominate everything, nor do I want real time to either.
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"