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curl-6 said:
oniyide said:

if you have finite resources, which i imagine a lot of these companies do, yeah it kinda does. And we saw with this gen that sometimes it isnt possible considering how poorly those two franchises sold on the Wii U why ignore the most recent numbers?

Devs have always had finite resources, never stopped them making money off N64, GCN, and Wii.

And because Wii U is the exception, the outlier, not the norm. On every other Nintendo console, third parties were able to sell.

How much games were made for N64 and GC? Not that many compared to the comp, even OG Xbox got more love than GC. Whats your definition of selling? you just cant sell, you have to sell well, and they didnt sell well on N64 and Cube. Wii did ok in the beginning but even that started to fizzle out toward the end. Where everyone else was doing pretty good (looking at you COD)