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bonzobanana said:
Soundwave said:

It's not as bad as the Wii, the Wii was a full generation behind the 360/PS3 and didn't have any kind of modern shader technology that really made that HD next-gen go. 

Switch should be able to run a fair number of PS4/XB1 games, hell the PS3/360 even can (MGSV is still one of the better looking next gen games if you ask me, but it's also able to run on the PS3/360) ... Switch should be more powerful than a PS3/360 without much fuss and has 6x more RAM to boot (if we're talking 4GB RAM with 3GB reserved for games). So a fair number of ports should be doable. Some won't be, probably more ambitious titles like The Witcher 3. 

Don't expect even performance though, things are going to have to be sacrificed. 

I agree with your points on a technical level but I feel its commercial reasons why the Switch is unlikely to get many big third party games.

1. Cost of cartridges for publishers with limited storage plus Nintendo's history of high royalties and unfair terms and conditions

2. Low sales due to wrong userbase and poor performance compared to other versions of same game

3. Additional development time and additional optimisations  required to get games running on low performance arm based console which increases costs

4. Optical discs can be heavily discounted because manufacturing costs are low and publishers can be flexible with retailers regarding sale or return or discounting plus easier and cheaper digital delivery systems where as cartrige game prices remain higher for longer.  Result is ps4 and xbone versions will be much cheaper after the launch window. End users would be paying more for much inferior versions.

5. Nintendo's online infrastructure and DRM system is basic and dated compared to Microsoft and Sony meaning online functionality will be more problematic and not ideal for many games where online play is important.

1. We dont know if publishers taking costs of cartridges or that will be done buy Nintendo, also SD cards in bulks of millions are dirt cheap. There will not be limited storage on cartridges, you will have cartridges from 8GB tu 64GB, not to mention that games can easily fit in much less GBs than that they are on XB1/PS4.

4. Flash memory prices (Switch cartridge) are constantly falling like a rock.

5. We dont know about infrastructure and DRM system for Switch, we know DeNa is helping them.


Its most important that Switch is technical very modern console that supports all modern engines, so from technical point evre PS4/XB1 game could be ported to Switch without problems. If we talk how much 3rd party support Switch will actualy have, that mostly depends from popularity and sales of Switch itself, if actual sales and become popular Switch will have more 3rd parties and more 3rd party games.