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@words of wisdom - true, the cpu and gpu are the hottest, but a constantly running laser isn't helping things. No laser for the optical drive, cooler temps. Plus removal of the optical and internal HD can allow for a smaller physical unit, or more space for cooling.

I agree on solid state, I thought initially that if we could get 50 gb ssd's for a comparable cost, the developers could put their games on that, which would allow them to be directly written to for updates, etc. Yet it just doesn't seem like a possible reality, with DVDs costing like 90 cents each. Optical media is the cheapest, thats why its so preferred. My line of thought is to remove the media from the developers' & publishers' cost, and have it brought to the hardware itself. Right now a 1 TB firewire external HD can be bought for $240. In a few years, that price should drop considerably. Once it drops under the $100 mark, it might well be a feasible solution to console development. Take out the need for an optical and a HD inside the machine, and you have the majority of your cost trade off, especially in Sony's case with the cost of the Blu Ray