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30 – Caesar III

I’ve already talked about Sierra’s City Building Series in my #34 entry, Pharaoh. Caesar, set in Rome (I’m going to be pedantic: although the game is set in the Roman Empire, and you have to communicate with the Emperor and fulfill his orders, chronologically the game takes place during the Roman Republic; of course I couldn’t care less, the game was incredible) was the first title in the series, and Caesar III, obviously, its third sequel.

Although it might be a similar game than Pharaoh, Caesar III is some above it in the list because of some (pretty subjective) factors:

  1. I’ve always preferred Roman over Egyptian setting (See my note about Roman Empire-Republic, if something like that happened in Pharaoh I would have never noticed).

  2. You have to manage the favor of the Roman Emperor. If it falls very low the emperor will attack your city, and probably destroy it. Intentionally lowering the favor while preparing for the civil war was one of my favorite activities in the game, and I was actually able to defeat him some times (then he would attack again with a bigger army unless you regain his favor).

  3. The Mediolanum level, where you have to fight against Hannibal, and his elephants, several times, was awesome and epic (although, once again, historically inaccurate).