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I just feel like they are actually listening to fans... and actually trying to give fans what they hear they want.


Intrinsic said:
We could say they are just doing exactly what they are being asked to do in relation to all those games you mentioned. Like literally.

^ we re on the same page. I wrote my reply before I even saw yours.

Its such a simple concept, listen to what your consumers want, give it to them, and yet not everyone does.


Madword said:
 They are creating lots of new IP's but also delivering remakes and classic games which people have been moaning about wanting.

It's also a good way of seeing if any of these old IPS actually have any use today. So if Wipeout or Crash did very well you can then imagine a new version would be made. If they sell only ok, then not a lot has been lost cost wise, and they can move on.

Sony is actually listening to fans... and acting on it.