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We started with 721 Pokemon and now only 360 remain. Welcome to the losers round of the Ultimate Pokemon tournament Generations 1 - 6, where only 1 Pokemon will come out on top. This consists of 4 rounds and 11 Pokemon where 4 Pokemon from each round will advance. Rounds will go up around 12pm EST.

Even though there are 11 Pokemon per round you are only voting for the 10 you think should advance like in the example below:

10p Mudkip
9p Charmander
8p Squirtle
7p Bulbasaur
6p Wooper
5p Poliwag
4p Ralts
3p Pikachu
2p Ledyba
1p Pichu

The top 4 Pokemon for each losers round will advance to Round 3

Previous Match Results

01    #381 Latios    72
02    #150 Mewtwo    68
03    #214 Heracross    58
04    #244 Entei    54
05    #155 Cyndaquil    51
06    #136 Flareon    48
07    #151 Mew    46
08    #492 Shaymin    39
09    #479 Rotom    38
10    #281 Kirlia    27
11    #655 Delphox    26
12    #711 Gourgeist    24
13    #493 Arceus    23
14    #468 Togetic    22
14    #226 Mantine    22

16    #560 Scrafty    19
17    #183 Marill    17
18    #267 Beautifly    6

We now move on to the current losers round


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