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Holoball is out. Played it again today, doesn't work very well and it's too dangerous. I put a dent in my ceiling jumping to catch a ball. I could have hit my projector if the ball had been more to the right...

Apart from needing too much space, the tracking has issues too. At first I though I just had to 'git gud' yet now and then after a few fast hits the angle of the move in game doesn't match the angle you're holding it at anymore, with the at bat seemingly broken, sticking out at a 30 degree angle. It fixes itself after you shake the controller, however point already lost.
Sometimes the ball also goes straight through the bat. Even on serve, no way I completely miss a stationary ball. Also often the ball goes in a different direction than expected, straight up, or 90 degrees left/right, bad physics or bad tracking dunno. Sports champions table tennis worked much better.
Another problem is the fov. In real life and while playing move games on tv, you can always see the bat in your peripheral vision while keeping you eyes on the ball. With the headset on, you can only see it if you hold it within the narrow fov cone, made worse by wearing glasses. (Headset doesn't sit as close, smaller fov)

The game is fun to try, works if played not too fast. But when you start getting competitive it breaks down. Plus taking the headset off afterwards with the head strap all wet, as well as the nose flaps, nope not for me. No more active games with headset on.