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I don't know enough about the situations in those states to say 100% but if it is futile then I'm against holding a recount. The recent trend of citing fraud without a single speck of evidence is also getting out of hand.

In my state, the sitting Governor is 10,000 votes behind yet he will not concede. Out of 100 counties in the state, he's filed charges of fraud in 52 of them. I mean, seriously? The election board just voted to have some of the results from one county recounted, which hopefully will bring this to an end. Of course, it's all political--the 3 Republicans on the board voted "yes" and the 2 Democrats voted "no".

Then again, it might not really be futile because the General Assembly gets to vote in a "too close to call" election and they're a Republican majority. That could very well be what they're really after with the fraud allegations.