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I'm confused. This is my history with Xbox:
I have a Wii.
I love it.
One day I felt like playing more games, and trying online, so I bought a 360.
I loved its graphics.
I bought Assassin's Creed.
While playing the game I ended up being able to replay Super Mario Galaxy faster than completing AC, because it was too repetitive and I wasn't able to play it longer than a hour or 2 per gameplay session max.
I ended up borrowing every single other game I played on the console, enjoying Orange Box the most of them(HL2 is a classic, but I already knew that).
I wanted to try Halo 3 online as the singleplayer was good, but I wanted more, but the M$ forced me into buying 3 MONTHS of Live, while I was only going to play for about two weeks. That ended up being two days, because I sucked bad in Halo 3 online. I got killed by every random n00b I encountered.
When I wanted to try Halo 3 local multiplayer on a party, as a nice addition to Mariokart Wii, I was surprised that it was too difficult to find the offline local-multiplayer option anywhere in the game. I was lucky I had downloaded Halo 1, but we played it and the multiplayer was shit, couldn't stand it. Singleplayer was só much better in that game.
I still love my Wii for all the great games I played on it.

That's Xbox 360, the so-called ''highest % AAA-game console'' of the generation.