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The very fact that reviews fail to take into account differing tastes just highlights their utter futility and uselessness. A quality-based rating system will inevitably be elitist. Nobody holds absolutely identical ideas of how good games are. If they did, there would not be vast huge gaps between the best and worst review scores for things.

Quantity, not quality, is the only scientifically valid way to measure a product's success. It's a form of cognitive dissonance to accept this, because it means that you have to put aside your personal bias and look at things from a down-to-earth perspective instead of how you want things to be. And sometimes that means you have to accept that something you hate is in fact a better product than something you love. While Okami may be highly appealing to me and rates highly to me personally, I recognize that Okami is not a success on the same level as Halo 3 (which I do not personally like).

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.