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I really enjoy the modern Deus Ex games but no matter how much I enjoy them there are a few issues that always come to mind. 

 So here is a short list of what bothers me about the more modern Deus Ex games.

  • My biggest issue is that the game world is just too small. With everything that the game allows you to do and the many different ways to complete most of the missions there is just not enough there. It always seems like a big world at first, then suddenly you realize you are limited to a couple city blocks within a massive city.
  • City population is too stagnant and not dense enough. Considering this is a future where the world population is more immense than we can hardly imagine, where are all the people? For those that have been to a big city, imagine walking downtown New York, Chicago, or L.A. and compare it to walking around in Deus Ex. The population density just does not compare, especially considering how much more people there is supposed to be.
  • The fact that even if all you do is stun Bosses in Deus Ex you still end out killing them all in the first one and kill some of them in the new one. Comparatively in the Metal Gear Solid games you can win by stunning the boss and the game continues as such. I almost always like to play games with a no-kill record if possible.
  • Hacking --- The hacking min-game is not bad except for its biggest flaw, the algorithm used to determine a fail on a node capture. You know it is really messed up when a 10% detection rate triggers more than %75 of the time.

Now with all that said they are still great games and I really enjoy playing them. It recently came to me that fixing these issues could be as simple as giving the IP over to different developers. Namely the teams at Bethesda. Imagine if you will Deus Ex on a massive world like that of Skyrim or Fallout 4. Now add the ability to MOD the game almost immediately out of the gate. You could easily stun and not kill people and their bodies would become permanent fixtures, or even wake up again after a certain amount of time and begin patrolling the area once again. In Boss fights if you take them down non-lethally they would be jailed or something. 


So, what does everyone else think?

Would it be a better game if Bethesda took over?

Do you have any major complaints about the games to add?

How would you fix the modern Deus Ex?