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It's not that bad, but... it's really lacking. I'm kind of enjoying it, but the pace is off sometimes, side quests are generally boring and don't add anything relevant to the game, camera suffers a lot in battles, can't really tell how many times I lost sight of the action. It's not fluent enough to be a good hack n' slash and really confusing and chaotic to be a competent ARPG. It seems like it's open word because of... reasons. World is not lively enough. I feel that what this game does, XCX did better. More lively world, better combat system (this one is simple as hell, I was 10 hours running in automatic...), more meaningful side quests... It's a really beautiful game, that's for sure. And this time main characters are well grounded. But... that's it.

FFXIII-2 was better imo. I had to say it xD.

SE needs to back to basics. Bravely games are not good enough (I think they're mediocre at best). It seems that they don't really know how to make good, turn-based games.