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I thought the game that made QTE's popular was shenmue... dynamite cop had them? I'm sure many others before that... dragons lair? Unless by qte you don't mean quick time event.

On another matter, I love MGS 1 and 2, but I never bothered to finish the 3rd, hated that camouflage system. Could never get it to work, was impossible to hide from guards on alert. You couldn't see far enough into the distance for the camera angle to work without a decent soliton (spelling?) radar unless you stopped ever couple of steps to check for enemies. Though I shall probably finish it just to get the story line before MGS4.

Hope there are some truely terrible conversations on the codec before the actions starts.

"Did you just say nerd?" "Not NERD, NODE"

"The boss is a master of CQC" "mmmm CQC huh"

CQC, they may as well have called it punch punch kick. Awesome stuff.
