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Slimebeast said:
WolfpackN64 said:

They've been slashing a public funds for years now, the universities are being privitized, water is being privitized. Hardly a socialist direction.

The largest scandel where femminist protest came into action was a sexual offense scandal, which is not to be taken lightly.

Oh, and Cultural Marxism doesn't exist.

Cultural Marxism definitely exists because since the fall of Communism in the early 90's, socialists have largely abandoned the field of economics and instead concentrate on moral values, culture and ideology.

A Cultural Marxist himself doesn't use the term, he prefers to describe himself as a "progressive", and sometimes as a "humanist" or "socialist".

It definitly does not exist. If you're a communist, you're an economist front and center. You have a few exeptions, like Gramsci who had his theory of Cultural Hegemony, which was mainly aimed at the domination of liberal ideology and served as an analysis to ty and create a counterculture, and you have the Frankfurter School of Marxism who along the lines of people like Marx, Hegel and Lukàcs analyse and discern society.

Neither however concerns themselves largely with the problems you people define as "Cultural Marxism". One of my professors, which is a Frankfurter Marxist even rails against modern gender studies since they often concern themselves with small societal peeves he considers a waste of time (and that they should mainly focus on issues of inequality instead).

If anything, the broad array of issues labeled as "Cultural Marxism" should be reclassified as "Cultural Liberalism", for there is no greater deestroyer of culture than capitalism and if anyone is in the process of making einheitswurst, it's liberals.

Cultural Marxism is a fad, it never existed in the first place and never wil.