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Insidb said:

Firstly, you do understand that "liquidation" doesn't mean that the assets are magically converted into cash, right? A REIT could take them off his hands quite easily, at value. We are also in a buyers market in NY, even though it defies traidional real estate principles: cap rates are currently exceeded by interest rates. Essentially, your belief in him taking losses is completely unfounded.

Secondly, the whole point of the blind trust is to ELIMINATE POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. It's not to REDUCE them: he works for the US citizenry; if he didn't want that, he should not have run for office. His Russian financial connections are significant and problematic, and he's not even in office yet.

Thirdly, statistics show that wealthier people are less moral and more likely to abuse wealth. There's a reason why so many "great" founders ended up in debt: commitment to the nation, not personal enrichment. 

What you described isn't a "true" blind trust which absolutely requires turning your assets into cash. It's just stupid to force Trump's business into a blind trust no matter what since there's almost no one who would amass billions in such a short time to buy his empire so he'd essentially have to hold a fire sale for most of his assets ... 

Not the whole Trump and Russia conspiracy theory again ... (This alone should disqualify your premise of the arugment.) 

Well, at least wealthier people are less likely to commit crimes ...

Being in debt is NOT a good thing because you're now beholden to your creditors which raises conflicts of interests ... (It's like a caricature of china would say, "if you can't enslave entities with force, you can enslave them with debt". The american people are going to be so pissed when they find out their government can't pay back their debt.)