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I think The Source is way too conservative because he is treating this like a regular game but I think Wii Fit is an entirely different animal.

I have people coming into my office every day at work to ask me about it and where to get it. These are people who have never owned or had the slightest interest in video gaming but if I had been able to offer them a bundle of a Wii and Wiifit for $400 they would have had their wallets out.
I carried it in one day in the green carrying case and was amazed at the number of people who stopped me to ask where they could get one.

No one has ever come by my office to ask about any other video game.

How fast can Wii Fit pas GTA IV, if I knew the rate of production I could tell you exactly because the answer is they will sell everyone they make. If they could make six million tonight the answer would be tomorrow.